Positive verification that utilities have not been intersected by HDD
Post-construction inspection of sewer service laterals is paramount when HDD has been conducted in areas with sewer mainlines and laterals. A comprehensive post-construction inspection is the surest way to verify sewer infrastructure has not been damaged during drilling. Inspections also provide project stakeholders confirmation that the integrity of existing wastewater infrastructure is intact and that the utility service area and its inhabitants are safe from harm caused by subsurface breaches or open utility lines.
During the inspection process, every inch of the infrastructure network, from the mainline through the length of a lateral, is checked for conflicts: dangerous gas utility line cross bores, pipe degradation and structural issues. This includes gas, water, sewer, electric and fiber optic lines for municipalities and utility owners and their engineers. In addition, we offer post-construction inspection services to homeowners and contractors.
Service Lines
Pro-Pipe provides cross bore inspection and pre- and post-construction inspections for trenchless installations. Utilizing advanced technology and sophisticated equipment, Pro-Pipe digitally maps (GIS) underground infrastructure, provides condition scoring for prioritization and assessment, and offers comprehensive maintenance and rehabilitation.
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Pro-Pipe provides cross bore inspection and pre- and post-construction inspections for trenchless installations. Utilizing advanced technology and sophisticated equipment, Pro-Pipe digitally maps (GIS) underground infrastructure, provides condition scoring for prioritization and assessment, and offers comprehensive maintenance and rehabilitation.
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